Thursday, June 28, 2007

Late June

We've had another busy week! I have dilated about one centimeter and have thinned out a bit, but no real labor yet. My due date isn't until July 15, so I still have a couple weeks to go.

The boys are doing great, but they have a TON of energy since it has poured rain on us all week long--and there is no sunshine in sight! We got about an hour in at the park on Monday, but that has really been all we've played outside. Tuesday we went into town for my doctor appointment and Colin and Carter went to school for the morning. Yesterday we went to Jumping Party for a couple hours, and then today our big trip is...get ready...the grocery store! Tomorrow is storytime at Barnes & Noble. We have watched a lot of movies, played a lot of superheroes and trains, and read a lot of books this week.

I have a funny story...around the house I call Andy "Baby" and the other day Carter picked up on this and said to Andy, "Play trains, Baby!" Now every once in a while he'll call him "Baby."
Happy birthday to Nana!!

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