Friday, July 31, 2009

The Days are Long but the Years are Short

Today is the last day of July, 2009 and it has been an eventful and exciting month! We have had two birthdays, a family reunion, museum school, swim lessons, lots of nights out with our friends, and just all sorts of fun! I am a little sad that today is the last day of July because next month school starts and summer officially ends and this has been a really busy, really wonderful summer. The boys are getting bigger and it makes the days long in a different sort of way than with feedings and naps, but I know these years are going to pass quickly. When I take the boys out and I'm about to lose my marbles because one of them is climbing a shelf, one is dumping something out and one of them is screeching at the top of his lungs, a little old lady will look at me and smile and say: Honey, these days will be over in no time and these are the moments you will miss most. Sometimes it is difficult to believe but I know it's true.

A few funny quotes from Colin...

Colin: Carter,that girl's name is Natalie. And Mommy's name is Natalie. So there are two Natalies.

Colin (after I agreed to do a science experiment with him): Mommy, you're the best person in the whole world.

Colin: Mommy, are you happy I'm six years old?

After swimming lessons the instructor gives me a report on how the boys did. The other day after his lesson, Colin looked at his instructor and said, "How great was I?" =)


April :) said...

So true! My kids drive me crazy but then I look at pictures of Noah & Ethan and I'm reminded of how fast they really are growing up :( Enjoy the everyday moments right?

Jesse and Dori said...

You are right, somedays are probably really hard, but before we know it, they'll be all grown up!! It is fun to see all the cute pictures of your boys!
enjoy the rest of the summer,
Dori :)